Education for Homebuyers
Pre-purchase Education Workshops:
Homebuying Certification Workshop
This workshop provides the HUD certificate needed to qualify for some below market rate (BMR) units and other first-time homebuyer programs.
Introduction to Homebuying and Affordable Homeownership Programs
Designed to help you prepare for the homebuying process and give you information on Below Market Rate (BMR) programs and other projects available in Marin County. This event will bring together a panel of experts in the affordable housing field.
Please fill out this contact form if you would like to receive information and registration instructions about our upcoming workshops.
Please visit our Events Calendar to get information about upcoming workshops.
Workshops available in English and Spanish
Marin Housing Authority (MHA)
Offers BMR units located throughout Marin (except Novato). A BMR certificate is required for this program.
Rise Housing Solutions
The City of Novato offers BMR units. No BMR certificate is required for these units.
Burbank Housing
BMR units in Sonoma county
Consumer Credit and Budget Counseling, Inc.
Offers online certificate programs for BMR units through a course followed by a phone counseling session with a HUD certified counselor.
(Please choose "Low Income/NJ/FL/Marin" option if you are applying for the MHA lotteries.)
Other HUD Housing Counseling Agencies
Please check our Events & Workshops page for upcoming events.
Email List:
To be placed on the list for more information about workshops and upcoming projects, please fill out this contact form.