![]() Introduction to Homebuying and Affordable Homeownership Programs Date: Wednesday, December 11, 2019 / 6:30 - 8:30 pm Location: 1111 Las Gallinas Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94903 (At Marin County Office of Education) Workshop topics include: * Introduction to homeownership * How to obtain a loan and avoid predatory lending * BMR (Below Market Rate) programs in Marin and neighboring counties Invited guest speakers from: * Burbank Housing * Fair Housing Advocates of Northern California * Hello Housing * Marin Housing Authority * Lending institutions Please note: This workshop does not fulfill the requirements for a HUD certificate. Check our website for certification workshop opportunities in the near future. Registration Please read the disclosure statement before registering Register here For more information, or any special needs, contact: [email protected] Funding for this workshop provided by: U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, and Wells Fargo Housing Foundation / Additional support from: Bank of the West, Union Bank and California State Bar Workshop presented by: Fair Housing Advocates of Northern California www.fairhousingnorcal.org (415) 457-5025 / TDD: (800) 735-2922 Wheelchair accessible. Se habla español Download flyer for December 11 workshop below
![]() TALLER DE CERTIFICACIÓN EN ESPAÑOL PARA COMPRAR VIVIENDA: NUEVA FECHA: Jueves, 19 de diciembre, 2019 / 4:30 pm - 9:30 pm Lugar: 4020 Civic Center Drive, San Rafael, CA 94903 (En el edificio de Marin Housing Authority) Presentado por: Fair Housing Advocates of Northern California En colaboración con Marin Housing Authority Es necesario pre-registrarse para el taller. ¡El taller y el certificado son gratis! Incluye una cena liviana y materiales. El seminario es en español. El taller incluye temas como:
Certificación de HUD Este taller llena los requisitos del certificado requerido por “Marin Housing” y otros programas para comprar vivienda a bajo costo. “Marin Housing” requiere que todos los solicitantes sean compradores de casa por primera vez (o sea que no hayan sido dueños de casa por tres años). Registro Es necesario registrarse para el seminario con anticipación; el día del evento no se aceptarán personas que no se hayan registrado por adelantado. Para obtener un certificado de HUD, los participantes deben llenar todos los requisitos (vea la información en el registro). Lea la declaración de divulgación antes de registrase. Para registrarse, por favor haga clic aquí Para mayor información o necesidades especiales, comuníquese con Adriana Ames: [email protected] / 415-457-2390 Fondos para este taller proveídos por: U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, and Wells Fargo Housing Foundation / Fondos adicionales por: Bank of the West, Union Bank, and California State Bar Fair Housing Advocates of Northern California (415) 457-5025 / TDD: (800) 735-2922 www.fairhousingnorcal.org Se habla español / Accesible a sillas de ruedas Baje el volante para este evento abajo.
"Keeping Your Mortgage on Solid Ground"
**workshop has been rescheduled from 11/16 date** Date: Saturday, December 7, 2019 Time: 10:00am - 11:00am PST Type of workshop: Conference call We invite all homeowners to attend our workshop. This conference call will be led by Foreclosure Prevention and HUD-Certified Counselor, Karen Crump. She will introduce techniques and concepts to learn about how to identify unfair lending practices, your rights, possible options to address any current or future issues, and how to achieve maximum mortgage health and financial stability. You can learn these topics from the comfort of your own home:
The workshop is free of charge but registration is mandatory. The conference call and access code will be emailed to you upon registration. Please click on the button below to register for this call. Please contact Karen Crump if you have any questions or concerns about the workshop. Please contact Annya Maskey if you have any technical difficulties with registration or questions about how to connect to the call. Karen Crump [email protected] Annya Maskey [email protected] |
January 2025